
Hairat Meaning

Hairat is an Urdu word (commonly used with Hindi too) which means surprise, astonishment. Another word from the same root is Hairaan, which would mean surprised or Astonished. Clearly, the difference is that Hairat is noun while Hairaan is an adjective.

Hairat is a song sung by Lucky Ali in Ranbir-Priyanka starrer Anjaana Anjaani.


  1. Thanks so much for the translation of the word.

  2. Thank u for the translation of the Particular Word which we are searching

  3. Thnks for such a meaning ful site, it helps lot for few people who want to know the meaning but are helpless few times, great work, keep going...

  4. @Srinivas

    u r most welcome. and thanks for the appreciation.

    btw, I have a disagreement. With the word 'few.' Don't think there are just a few such people. There are huge, huge numbers looking for meanings. Believe me, I know. :)

    Thanks again. :)

  5. very good info. thank u

  6. what would 'hairath - e- ashiqui' mean?

  7. @Tee

    Hairath-e-ashiqui isn't a regular phrase. but if we look for the meanings of words, hairat is surprise and ashiqui is love. So using the common Urdu conjunction '-e-', the meaning of hairat-e-ashiqui is the surprise of love.

  8. Please, I would like to know the meaning of Airat. Thanks
