
Ishq ka Manjan Meaning

Manjan in Hindi means a something that is rubbed and most of the times the word is used for a tooth powder. Ishq is love and hence the meaning of Ishq ka manjan is the tooth powder of love.


  1. what is the meaning of tinku jiya

  2. yes what is the meaning of tinku jiya

  3. Well, I was also wondering if Tinku had any meaning. :)

    Jiya is heart, but I think Tinku is just a random word. Maybe tinku can be understood as twinkling, enjoying or something like that.

  4. Actually "Tinku" means penis and "Ishq ka manjan" in this context refers to a Blow Job.

  5. I think the same way also. TINKU might be refered as penis. I guess from some local colloquial words. If the lyricst has the same in mind, it is the death of healthy vocabulary in hindi cinema songs.

  6. what is the meaning of 'Joban' ?

  7. the lyrics seem to have a double meaning - quite obscene. what is the meaning of 'joban' ?

  8. Joban is Yauvan - Youth.

    Yes, you can use that as a normal word, or even as a very low standard one.

  9. Actually cunt looks like mouth so double meaining brushing of cunt (even she shows the action)with love by beloved . Ishq da manjan ghise hai piya (basically rubbing of cunt out of love). Tinku jiya means itchy heart longing for love (physical)
