Dabangg Meaning

Salman Khan's Dabangg is coming soon. And then there are people who want to know what dabangg means. Well, Dabangg, or dabang, as it used to be spelled earlier, means someone who has a dabdaba, a control over a specific area and people there.

The word dabangg is generally used to address people who have good deal of control or influence over the other powerful people of the area. Hence, Dabangg also means Powerful.


Tweepak said...

Oh Thank You BM!

This Question was haunting me ever since I saw the trailer!

You guys Rock! :D

Harshit said...


Thanks Deepak. :)

NJS said...

Great....good research.... i an glad to know the meaning of Dabangg....

Harshit Gupta said...


Thanks a lot. :)

Btw, no research involved with the word. It's a common word for me. Almost daily use. :)

Anonymous said...


Siva said...


ajay said...

i am impress the meaning of dabangg.

Anonymous said...

o thank you very much

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot dear !

soumya said...

thank u teacher ji

Unknown said...

oh, so that's what it is!!
thanx a tonne!

Anonymous said...

Please clarify, some other sites have stated, "The word means: fearless and bold people who don't go by norms and carve their own path in life".

This is also consistent with the movie subtitles. Thanks!

Harshit Gupta said...

loosely, I don't see a difference in my definition and urs. Being very specific, the part "fearless and bold people who don't go by norms" is right, but "carve their own path in life" has nothing to do with it.

For example, I am an engineer, I carve my own path in life, and don't even go by the norms, but I am not really dabangg because even my neighbour doesn't know me.

Maybe I am not very clear, but dabangg is definitely, bold, fearless, AND someone who other people identify with these things.

To sum it up, u cannot be alone in ur home and be dabangg. dabangg is someone who is 'known' for being fearless, just being fearless is not enough.

R S said...


Hey Bro, Thanks for the info man. I was indeed thinking for a while about wat does the word Dabangg really mean and whenever my wife asks me, I make some stupid meanings for fun where she now stopped believing me. Hope now i can convince...


Anonymous said...

after posting the meaning in this blog, u r now dabangg, since many of us know u and rest of the things u r already doing :))

Rajesh Oberoi said...

can we say that dabaang also means one man army....

Harshit Gupta said...


Not Really. Dabangg is a person whose 'Image' MAY be of one man army. whether the person is really one man army or not is not implied. :)

Anonymous said...

I believe for one to become Dabangg; you would need to fill out form
DA-12 - Application for Recognition of Dabanggness.

The eligibility requirements are as follows:
1) 1250 Hours of documented Dabanng Activities
2) A Letter of Endorsement from your local Dabangg Chapter
3) A Personal Essay stating why you should be called Dabangg

Once your application is received and reviewed by the International Dabangg Organization; you will be required to do a 15 minutes Presentation.

Hope you guys find this information usefull

Anonymous said...

Wow, thank you for the insightful information on how to become Dabangg! Do you know if there is a website that can locate our local Dabanng chapters? I think I have almost completed my hours and I've written a final draft of my personal essay, I just need the Letter of Endorsement.

I'm excited about my power point presentation as well! Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

wat is the language origin of this word "dabangg" , Hindi , urdu or sanskrit ?

Harshit Gupta said...


No Sanskrit or Urdu roots as such. The word is a variant coming out of dabaav/dabna only, which is a very usual Hindi word. So I guess it's only Hindi n nothing else in terms of root.

Anonymous said...

Coming from the Bihar Jharkhandr Bengal border area where Hindi and Bengali have equal influence (and so I don't know which one this came from) we have two very closely related words.
Daabangi - left handed / dirty hands
And dabangai - clumsiness / stupidness (due to left handedness)

Dabang may just have been a derived from this and would most likely mean lefty or stupid or dirty person. Although we don't have such a word yet.

Gunaseelan Maniyan said...

By the above definitions can this word be synonymous to "maverick" ?

Gud effort by the way...!

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